Lord Brahma of Tavanoor
Thursday, October 08, 2009 | Author: Vishnu

In a place named ‘Thavanoor’ on the banks of river ‘Bharathapuzha’ (also known as ‘Nila’) in Malappuram District of Kerala, India; there is a temple dedicated to Lord Brahma. Though no one worships here, there were some stone inscriptions around the walls of this temple, which the language was unknown (As per the studies from University of Calicut archaeology Dept). What is so interesting about this temple of Lord Brahma?

In Hinduism, cosmic functions of creation, maintenance and destruction (or transformation) is personified by the concept of “Trimurti”, also known as the Hindu Trinity. This is an iconographic representation of the cosmic power by the forms of Lord Brahma serving the function of creation, Lord Vishnu serving the function of renewal and preservation and Lord Shiva serving the function of dissolution or destruction that precedes re-creation.

Although Brahma is one of the three major gods in Hinduism, few Hindus actually worship him. Today, India has very few temples dedicated to Brahma, as opposed to the tens of thousands of temples dedicated to the other deities in the Trimurti.

According to a story in the Shiva Purana, at the beginning of time in Cosmos, Vishnu and Brahma approached a huge Shiva linga and set out to find its beginning and end. Vishnu was appointed to seek the end and Brahma the beginning. Taking the form of a boar, Vishnu began digging downwards into the earth, while Brahma took the form of a swan and began flying upwards. However, neither could find His appointed destination. Vishnu, satisfied, came up to Shiva and bowed down to him as a swarupa of Brahman. Brahma did not give up so easily. As He was going up, he saw a ketaki flower, dear to Shiva. His ego forced him to ask the flower to bear false witness about Brahma's discovery of Shiva's beginning. When Brahma told his tale, Shiva, the all-knowing, was angered by the former's ego. Shiva thus cursed him that no being in the three worlds will worship him

According to another legend, Brahma is not worshiped because of a curse by the great sage Brahmarishi Bhrigu. The high priest Bhrigu was organizing a great fire-sacrifice (yajna) on Earth. It was decided that the greatest among all Gods would be made the presiding deity. Bhrigu then set off to find the greatest among the Trimurti. When he went to Brahma, the god was so immersed in the music played by Saraswati that he could hardly hear Bhrigu's calls. The enraged Bhrigu then cursed Brahma that no person on Earth would ever invoke him or worship him again.

By contrast, early Buddhist texts describe several different Brahmas coexisting in the same universe; some of them think they are "all powerful" creators of the world, but they are corrected by the Buddha. The myths, characters, and functions of these Brahmas are distinct from those of the Vedic Brahma. However, at least one of the Buddhist Brahmas is identified as being the object of worship of pre-Buddhist Brahmins. The Buddha described the Vedic Brahma as a misunderstanding, or mistaken remembrance, of one or more of the Buddhist Brahmas, as explained in the Brahmajala-sutta.

As these parts of Kerala is considered as old Jain and Buddhist settlements, before the arrival of Vedic Brahman’s, we are not sure about the origin of this temple. If this temple is dedicated to Brahma of Hindu’s or one of the Brahma of Buddhists or to any other god (which was later converted).

Anyhow this small temple in this village throws lots of mysterious questions to the minds of history curios.

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On October 11, 2009 at 9:41 AM , Namboos said...

Grt work and nice interpretation..

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On May 14, 2019 at 10:42 AM , Anonymous said...

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On May 28, 2019 at 5:34 AM , Anonymous said...

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On May 29, 2019 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous said...

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On May 29, 2019 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous said...

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On July 14, 2019 at 12:38 AM , Unknown said...

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On October 4, 2019 at 3:23 PM , Dr. Smith said...

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On October 15, 2019 at 1:59 AM , Unknown said...

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On October 15, 2019 at 2:00 AM , Unknown said...

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On October 15, 2019 at 2:00 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
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On October 15, 2019 at 2:00 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
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On October 15, 2019 at 2:01 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
our email: maxhospital94@gmail.com as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should
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On October 15, 2019 at 2:01 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
our email: maxhospital94@gmail.com as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should
contact us now. Best Regards: Dr. Davis Morgan maxhospital Phone whatsapp:+919686332305

On October 15, 2019 at 2:01 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
our email: maxhospital94@gmail.com as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should
contact us now. Best Regards: Dr. Davis Morgan maxhospital Phone whatsapp:+919686332305

On October 15, 2019 at 2:02 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
our email: maxhospital94@gmail.com as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should
contact us now. Best Regards: Dr. Davis Morgan maxhospital Phone whatsapp:+919686332305

On October 15, 2019 at 2:02 AM , Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your g for a good amount of {$800.000USD} in India pls kindly Contact us now on
our email: maxhospital94@gmail.com as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should
contact us now. Best Regards: Dr. Davis Morgan maxhospital Phone whatsapp:+919686332305

On December 3, 2019 at 5:35 AM , Jupiter said...

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On January 16, 2020 at 12:22 PM , Unknown said...

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URGENTLY NEEDED. Do you need cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Consider selling your kidney.. Contact World Health Organization via Email : worldoffice82@gmail.com OR what'sApp me +917642912293 OR call: +917642912293 Doctor Ken Smith

URGENTLY NEEDED. Do you need cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Consider selling your kidney.. Contact World Health Organization via Email : worldoffice82@gmail.com OR what'sApp me +917642912293 OR call: +917642912293 Doctor Ken Smith

URGENTLY NEEDED. Do you need cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Consider selling your kidney.. Contact World Health Organization via Email : worldoffice82@gmail.com OR what'sApp me +917642912293 OR call: +917642912293 Doctor Ken Smith

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On April 12, 2020 at 11:28 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
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Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

On April 14, 2020 at 12:08 PM , Highland organ preservation said...

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

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On May 23, 2020 at 11:30 PM , Unknown said...

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Do you want to Sell your kIdney for money, NU Hospital is urgently in need for kIdney donor at the rate of 4.CRORE, Payment procedure 50% (2 CR) advance payment before operation, If any one is willing to sell please contact us.
Need Genuine Donors.
Waiting for your responds….
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Best Regards….
Dr praveen Raj
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Do you want to Sell your kIdney for money, NU Hospital is urgently in need for kIdney donor at the rate of 4.CRORE, Payment procedure 50% (2 CR) advance payment before operation, If any one is willing to sell please contact us.
Need Genuine Donors.
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Dr praveen Raj
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On June 19, 2020 at 4:10 AM , Kavita Pheerangee said...

Are you a business man or woman? Are you in a financial mess or do You need funds to start your own business? Need to pay loans Their Debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you have a low credit score and you will find it hard to get Capital loan from local banks / other financial institutions? You need one Loan or funding for any reason such as:Email: inforamzanloan@gmail.com

*Personal Loans
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We offer loan at low interest rate of 3% and with collateral and not Collateral, we offer personal loans, debt consolidation loans, venture capital Capital, business loan, education loan, mortgage or Loans for any reason".

However, our method offers the possibility to specify the amount of the loan needed and also the duration you can afford it, gives you a real Chance get the funds you need!

Contact us via E-mail: inforamzanloan@gmail.com

On June 23, 2020 at 2:04 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7 cr Advance kindly Contact us now, as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now

Dr. Sphesihle K. D.

Whats-App No +919667270992

Call us on +919667270992


On June 27, 2020 at 8:56 AM , Unknown said...

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

On June 27, 2020 at 8:57 AM , Unknown said...

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

On June 27, 2020 at 8:57 AM , Unknown said...

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

On June 27, 2020 at 8:57 AM , Unknown said...

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

Kidney donor needed very urgently in India, for a good amount of 10 CR (Adv 5CR) who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve. Interested Donor should kindly contact us now.
Dr Raymond Marcelo
St Cromwell Hospital

On August 5, 2020 at 4:57 PM , SWEENEY said...

We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC, DTC IPIP, MT103/202 GPI CASH TRANSFER

and MTN which are specifically for lease, our bank instrument can be engage in PPP

Trading, Discounting, signature project (s) such as Aviation, Agriculture,

Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all

kind of projects. We do not have any broker chain in our offer or get involved in

chauffer driven offers.

We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. Our terms and

Conditions are reasonable, below is our instrument description.

The procedure is very simple; the instrument will be reserved on euro clear to be

verified by your bank, after verification an arrangement will be made for necessary

bank documents and stock testing expenses, the cost of the Bank Guarantee will be

paid after the delivery of the MT760,


1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG/SBLC) (Appendix A)
2. Total Face Value: Eur 5M MIN and Eur 10B MAX (Ten Billion USD).
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank Frankfurt.
4. Age: One Year, One Month
5. Leasing Price: 6% of Face Value plus 2% commission fees to brokers.
6. Delivery: Bank to Bank swift.
7. Payment: MT-103 or MT760
8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

We are ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days, if

interested do not hesitate to contact me direct. Email: sweeneymich70@gmail.com

We Offer Lease and Purchase BG,SBLC,DTC IPIP, MT103/202 GPI CASH TRANSFER AND MTN

On August 6, 2020 at 11:57 AM , Dr Dimarel said...

Hello everyone,
We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Pledge Your Organs, Help Save Lives, Here we offer financial reward to donors who are willing to donate their kidney to people facing kidney failure. Interested donor should contact us at: kidneyliverin@gmail.com

On September 8, 2020 at 11:38 AM , Dr Dimarel said...

Help us make more transplants possible!
Healthy Kidney donors are urgently needed from all blood groups, Please help donate and encourage others to sign up for organ and tissue donation. Here we offer financial reward to interested donors. Kindly contact us if you are interested at: kidneyliverin@gmail.com

On September 9, 2020 at 9:10 AM , Anonymous said...

I now own a business of my own with the help of Elegantloanfirm with a loan of $900,000.00 USD. at 2% rate charges, at first i taught with was all a joke until my loan request was  process under five working days and my requested funds was transfer to me. am now a proud owner of a large business with 15 staffs working under me. All thanks to the loan officer Russ Harry he is a God sent, you can contact them to improve your business on.. email-- Elegantloanfirm@hotmail.com. / Whatsapp number +393511617486

On September 10, 2020 at 5:56 PM , Highland organ preservation said...

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

On September 12, 2020 at 10:03 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,( 7cr Advance ) kindly Contact
Dr. Stanley Adrian.
Whats-App No +919663960578
Call us on +919663960578

On October 7, 2020 at 1:42 PM , Dr Dimarel said...

Help us make more transplants possible!
Healthy Kidney donors are urgently needed from all blood groups, Please help donate and encourage others to sign up for organ and tissue donation. Here we offer financial reward to interested donors. Kindly contact us if you are interested at: kidneyliverin@gmail.com

On October 19, 2020 at 10:54 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Hello everyone i am lakshmi gowda i want to share a my story with you all i was in debt of 35 lacs and my life was in a bad stage i lost all i have gotten before so i
made a decision that i want to sell my k1dney and i
came online and met a lots of scammers and they took 2 lakh from me and still i could not donate my k1dney
after a month i came back online and met one Dr. Stan
online and he told me the procedure which did,they
paid my 5 Cr before the operation and balance 5 Cr
after the operation i only spend little money on this
process but today am a very happy man and my families
are so happy Thank you so much Dr. Stan, You can
contact him on e-mail,
(highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com (mailto:highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com)) WhatsApp
+919663960578 Call +919663960578

On October 31, 2020 at 10:11 AM , Dr Johnson said...

We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 Million USD IN INDIAN 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. Contact me now
on WhatsApp +919750947967 Thanks

On November 11, 2020 at 7:28 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Hello everyone I am Lakshmi gowda i want to share my

story with you all I was in debt of 35 lacs and my life

was in a bad stage I lost all I have gotten before so i
made a decision that I want to sell my k1dney and i
came online and met a lot of scammers and they took 2

lakh from me and still I could not donate my k1dney
after a month I came back online and met one Dr. Stan
online and he told me the procedure which did, they
paid my 5 Cr before the operation and balance 5 Cr
after the operation, I only spend little money on this
process but today am a very happy man and my families
are so happy Thank you so much, Dr. Stan, You can
contact him on e-mail,

(mailto:highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com)) WhatsApp
+919663960578 Call +919663960578

On December 9, 2020 at 11:07 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Hello everyone I am Lakshmi Gowda i want to share my story with you all I was in debt of 35 lacs and my life was in a bad stage I lost all I have gotten before so i
made a decision that I want to sell my k1dney and i came online and met a lot of scammers and they took 2 lakh from me and still I could not donate my k1dney after a month I came back online and met one Dr. Stan online and he told me the procedure which did, they paid my 5 Cr before the operation and balance 5 Cr after the operation, I only spend little money on this process but today am a very happy man and my families are so happy to Thank you so much, Dr. Stan, You can contact him on e-mail, (highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com (mailto:highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com)) WhatsApp+919663960578 Call +919663960578

On December 9, 2020 at 8:05 PM , Dr Johnson said...

Dr Lookman
We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 Million USD IN INDIAN 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. Contact me now
on WhatsApp +918123522988 Thanks

On December 10, 2020 at 7:58 PM , Highland organ preservation said...

Hello everyone I am Lakshmi Gowda i want to share my

story with you all I was in debt of 35 lacs and my life

was in a bad stage I lost all I have gotten before so i
made a decision that I want to sell my k1dney and i came

online and met a lot of scammers and they took 2 lakh

from me and still I could not donate my k1dney after a

month I came back online and met one Dr. Stan online

and he told me the procedure which did, they paid my 5

Cr before the operation and balance 5 Cr after the

operation, I only spend little money on this process

but today am a very happy man and my families are so

happy to Thank you so much, Dr. Stan, You can contact

him on e-mail, (highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com

(mailto:highlandorganpreservation@yahoo.com)) WhatsApp

+919663960578 Call +919663960578

On December 23, 2020 at 12:09 PM , Unknown said...

Do you need loan to stop your financial problems this is the information We Offer all kinds of loan our Loan amount ranges from $50,000.00 USD to $100,000,000.00 USD In the loan we offer, we do charge 2% kindly contact us for more information Email: helpfinanceloan0@gmail.com phone number +917338342784

On January 18, 2021 at 8:06 PM , Drlookman said...

Dr Lookman
We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 Million USD IN INDIA 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. Contact me now ( columbiaasiah11@gmail.com )
on WhatsApp +918728982761 Thanks

On January 19, 2021 at 2:04 AM , Drlookman said...

Dr Lookman
We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 Million USD IN INDIA 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. Contact me now ( columbiaasiah11@gmail.com )
on WhatsApp +918728982761 Thanks

On January 23, 2021 at 12:08 PM , Drlookman said...

on WhatsApp +918728982761

On January 24, 2021 at 6:30 AM , Unknown said...

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

kidney donor needed for 4 crore 3 crore advance contact +1 920 3682108

On January 27, 2021 at 12:53 AM , Unknown said...

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com
Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com
Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

Kidney donor urgently needed in india 3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At stratonlimbsandrogarns@gmail.com

On January 27, 2021 at 2:11 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Kidney donor urgently needed in india
3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At

Kidney donor urgently needed in india
3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At

Kidney donor urgently needed in india
3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At

Kidney donor urgently needed in india
3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At

Kidney donor urgently needed in india
3crore inr contac us on +917829795051
or +1(920)3682-108. Now At

On January 28, 2021 at 2:17 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for money.
Contact Dr Mike Hamilton now for more details.
WhatsApp +917829795051
abroad +1(920)3682-108.
Skype 9203682108 Now At

On January 28, 2021 at 3:16 AM , Highland organ preservation said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for money.
Contact Dr Mike Hamilton now for more details.
WhatsApp +917829795051
abroad +1(920)3682-108.
Skype 9203682108 Now At

On January 28, 2021 at 2:17 PM , STRATON HEALTH ORGANISATION said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for money.
Contact Dr Mike Hamilton now for more details.
WhatsApp +917829795051
abroad +1(920)3682-108.
Skype 9203682108 Now At

On February 6, 2021 at 3:14 PM , Unknown said...

on WhatsApp +918728982761

On March 11, 2021 at 5:26 AM , Dr Nico Scott said...

Kidney donor needed urgently, we offer huge amount for one kidney only contact me via WhatsApp number: +918122208392 Email: apollohospitalkidneydep@gmail.com

On March 18, 2021 at 11:23 PM , Dr Nico Scott said...

Kidney donor needed urgently at Apollo Hospital, we offer huge amount for one kidney only contact me via WhatsApp number: +918122208392 Email: apollohospitalkidneydep@gmail.com

On March 19, 2021 at 12:31 PM , Dr Dimarel said...

Dear sir/madam,
We specialized in health treatment of organ and Surgery/transplant to help patients who face lifetime dialysis problems unless they undergo kidney transplant. Pledge to become an organ donor and encourage others to sign up for organ and tissue donation. Here we offer financial rewards to interested donors. Contact us at: kidneyliverin@gmail.com

On March 19, 2021 at 12:33 PM , Dr Dimarel said...

Dear sir/madam,
We specialized in health treatment of organ and Surgery/transplant to help patients who face lifetime dialysis problems unless they undergo kidney transplant. Pledge to become an organ donor and encourage others to sign up for organ and tissue donation. Here we offer financial rewards to interested donors. Contact us at: kidneyliverin@gmail.com

On March 28, 2021 at 9:57 PM , RAMZAM CHALLOT said...

Are you in financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills?
I got mine from Mia Garret . My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $14,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .

*They sell this cards to all customers and interested buyers worldwide,the card has a daily withdrawal limit of €2000 to €5000 and up to €50,000 spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.*

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On May 23, 2021 at 2:01 PM , Unknown said...

Dr Lookman
We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 Million USD IN INDIA 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. Contact me now ( columbiaasiah11@gmail.com )
on WhatsApp +918728982761 Thanks

On July 9, 2021 at 3:44 PM , Medical Center said...

we are urgently in need of kidney donors, to help patients who face lifetime dialysis problems unless they undergo kidney transplant. save a life today through organ donation and get financial reward. Interested person should contact us via email: kidneyfcentre@gmail.com

On July 18, 2021 at 12:49 AM , Dr Nico Scott said...

Kidney donor needed urgently at Apollo Hospital, We offer huge amount for kidney seller only contact me via WhatsApp number: +918122208392 Email: apollohospitalkidneydep@gmail.com

On July 30, 2021 at 9:27 AM , Unknown said...

Dr Johnson
We need a kidney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 Million USD IN INDIA 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. Contact me now ( columbiaasiah11@gmail.com )
on WhatsApp +918728982761 Thanks

On August 4, 2021 at 3:02 PM , Unknown said...


On October 12, 2021 at 1:17 AM , Anonymous said...

Kidney donor needed urgently, My client is urgently in need of a kidney transplant, If interested to sell contact here on my what'sApp number +4915219253693 Or Email: kidneydeal@gmail.com

On November 22, 2021 at 11:19 AM , Unknown said...

Dr Johnson
We need a k1dney d0n0r both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, Kidney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 USD IN INDIA 5crore before the surgery, k1dney D0n0r needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. ontact me now ( columbiaasiah11@gmail.com )
on WhatsApp +918728982761 Thanks

On January 6, 2022 at 10:31 AM , Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and you don’t know what to do, then whatsapp.+918728982761

On January 21, 2022 at 9:36 AM , Dr Nisha Monika said...

Kid_ney D0NOR are needed A+, B+, O+, blood group D0NORS between the age of 18 to 65. Whats-app Dr Nisha Monika +9I 8098526431 or Email: drnishamona@gmail.com

On February 9, 2022 at 10:43 AM , Dr Rachael Lakshmi said...

Kid_ney D0NOR are needed A+, B+, O+, blood group D0NORS between the age of 18 to 65. Whats-app Dr Rachael Lakshmi +919435225690 or Email: kidneyfoundation947@gmail.com

On February 11, 2022 at 10:47 AM , Dr Rachael Lakshmi said...

Urgent Kldney D0n0rs Needed By India K1dney Specialist Hospital For 10 Crores. Contact Dr Rachael Lakshmi For More Details ON WHATSAPP +919435225690.

On February 14, 2022 at 9:26 AM , Dr Rachael Lakshmi said...

Kid_ney D0NOR are needed A+, B+, O+, blood group D0NORS between the age of 18 to 65. Whats-app Dr Racheal Lakshmi on +919435225690 or Email: kidneyfoundation947@gmail.com

On February 20, 2022 at 5:14 PM , Datafincorp said...

Contact Our Customer Care:
EMAIL: broadlandsfincorp@gmail.com
(CALL/WHATS APP) :+918011937927
Our services... Guaranteed 100%

On February 23, 2022 at 10:16 AM , Dr Rachael Lakshmi said...

Urgent Kl_dney D0n0rs Needed By India K1dney Specialist Hospital For 10 Crores. Contact Dr Rachael Lakshmi For More Details ON WHATSAPP +919435225690.

On April 19, 2022 at 5:58 PM , Johnson said...

Dr Johnson
We need a k1dney donor both Male and female very urgent, Any blood groups, K1dney amount is 5 Million USD IN INDIAN 10crores, Advance payment is 2 USD IN INDIA 5crore before the surgery, kidney Donor needed within 2/3days. Please don’t miss this Great opportunities. contact me now ( columbiaasiah11@gmail.com )
on WhatsApp +918728982761 Thanks

On June 22, 2022 at 4:14 PM , Anonymous said...

Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of (7 CR) ,3.5 CR Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now , GEM Hospital located in India k1dney donor and organ donors needed Dr. Praveen Raj.
Whats-App No +917871994581
Email: drpraveenraj703@gmail.com

On October 17, 2022 at 4:18 PM , FAST LOAN OFFER said...

BUSINESS LOAN PERSONAL LOAN HERE APPLY NOW WhatsApp No:+918929509036 financialserviceoffer876@gmail.com Dr. James Eric

On February 3, 2023 at 10:41 PM , Anonymous said...

Are you interested in selling one of your kidney for a good amount of (7 core) ,3.5 core Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for kidney donor, Interested person should contact us now , Dr. Kamini Rao Hospital located in India kidney donor and organ donors needed

Dr. Kamini Rao
Whats-App No +919964296850

On August 26, 2023 at 4:02 AM , mabel said...




$800,000.00 USD, CONTACT US NOW ON


DETAILS. +18562981114



INDIA. blessedkidneycare@gmail.com

On October 7, 2024 at 10:48 AM , Anonymous said...

~Do y0u want to se1l your kldney for urgent money? Contact us now on WhatsApp +919233026955.

On October 12, 2024 at 10:10 AM , Anonymous said...

**Are you seeking for an opportunity to se ll your k!dney contact us via whatsapp: +9l 9233026955.